The single most common advice that people have started to give entrepreneurs or various service providers is to establish a personal brand for themselves. The constant exposure to this term has led many people to be curious about personal branding and the aspects it entails. I would like to explain this term first with a thoughtful quote by Jeff Bezos, “Branding is what people say about you when you are not in the room”. This statement perfectly sums up the importance of a personal brand.
Your personal brand is what you show and tell your audience about who you are and how you want your audience to perceive you. We generally tend to associate a brand with major corporations having a well-crafted message. But that’s not the case. In this current age, when we are the product that we are selling, personal branding is a critical factor to success in the business space to stay unique, important and relevant.
Now let’s delve deeper into why you need a personal brand and what you can do with it. But before that, there is one myth I would like to break. Having a reputation and a personal brand is not the same. Everyone has a reputation. The conversations you have with the people, and the messages you convey through your business all contribute to a good or bad reputation. Your personal brand, on the other hand, is intentional. It is how you want people to see you.
Your personal brand is about visibility and the values that you outwardly represent. A personal brand gives you immense power and autonomy to define your brand by aligning your intentions with actions. In a world of misinformation, manipulation and disinformation manage your personal brand through transparency, authenticity and accountability.
These are the various attributes a beautifully crafted personal brand can provide you and your company:
Your name gains recognition
Isn’t this something everyone craves for? A personal brand helps you become important and an expert in your specific niche so your name would be your introduction. Every individual would provide a different service offering or product. Because we need the recognition to push sales and grow ourselves through personal branding. We are all a brand already. We would just have to hone our skills accordingly to portray ourselves in the best way possible to our target audience. Creating a personal brand will bring your audience to your website because they recognise your name and are fond of what you do.
Building trust and people start to find you
There are thousands of companies with fancy websites and social media profiles. Still, very few achieve a community of long-lasting customers who relate to and love the brand and its services. That’s the importance of personal branding. It is a powerful tool to make the audience fall in love with your business. You can’t become an irreplaceable part of the business ecosystem without establishing yourself as an expert and authority. A constant presence by you on various online and offline platforms creates trust in your service to potential customers and also builds credibility in regard to the product or service that you sell.
You become memorable and relatable
We always remember the most famous brands because they provide value that is truly unforgettable and relatable. Memorable and relatable personal brands push consistency in how they look and communicate. Bringing value to your audience is the best way to always relate with them and become a brand they associate closely with.
Your business starts to sell itself
Once you put forth your brand story and mission, people will start to lean into your message, eventually turning them into loyal customers. When you masterfully craft your story and the answer you have to your customer’s problems, your business starts to sell itself. You will start to rise above your competitors who do not have compelling brand stories.
You have autonomy over how people view you
Personal branding gives you the power to create any brand you want with any tone, messaging or story. When it comes to a personal brand, you create your own guidelines as to how you want to take the company forward.
Get to show your uniqueness
A very clear message we should have ingrained in our minds: You are your brand. A personal brand is a lifetime project that you constantly work on and evolve over time. Regardless of the project, product or service that you are providing, keep in mind the impact you can create on your audience.
Building a brand may seem promotional and just focussed on selling, but it’s not so. Your personal brand is a legacy that will help you establish yourself as a thought leader making you distinguished and remarkable. Most people are already establishing a brand for themselves unintentionally through their results. But your awareness of personal branding will help you build a memorable and successful path.
Reach out to us at if you have the passion to start a personal brand and shine as a unique and distinctive voice in your desired niche.